2021-07-04 - Foosball Fourth

^z 8th February 2023 at 7:46am

~9.6 mi @ ~16.7 min/mi

"You have the Eye of the Tiger Mom!" Dawn Patrol spies exotic lawn sculptures of welded spark plugs, bicycle gears, rebar, armor plate, and chains. On Independence Day two laps at the track barely outpace speedy race-walking Jim Wass, who reports he did the 2006 Disney Marathon in a walk – faster than we ran it! A streetside foosball mini-match ends in a 1-1 tie. 🔥 & 🤖 honor their intentions, forgive their failures, and practice accepting praise with grace. Patriotic-clad 🐻 finishes a Sunday half-marathon joined by pacer 🥃 at mile ~5.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2021-07-30